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The Richie Rich Lifestyles Of The Mega Wealthy

The Richie Rich

Acts of kindness are a beautiful thing to see and hear about. We see so much negativity in the world and wanted to dedicate a site, podcast and youtube channel focused on highlighting acts of kindness around the world. If you'd like to be a guest writer on our site or if you have a story to share, please submit your information. Thank you so much for reading our stories. Be sure to like, comment and share these stories to help this channel and site grow. Thanks again. 

Head Team

Justin Brennan - CEO & Podcast Host | The Richie Rich.jpg
Matt Keller - Editor | The Richie Rich
Dayna Hendricks - Podcast Host & Director | The Richie Rich

CEO/ Podcast Host

Justin Brennan

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Podcast Host/ Creative Director

Matt Keller

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Dayna Hendricks

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Dayna Hendricks - Writer | The Richie Rich


Dayna Hendricks

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Other Team Members...

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